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About Trana

Our Purpose

Trana help organisations fly.


We work with successful SMEs and autonomous departments to inspire a step change in performance. We work to release potential wherever we find it.


We believe entrepreneurial, resilient and engaged cultures thrive in our uncertain world. Organisations that exhibit these traits deliver exceptional results, for the individuals who collectively create them, their clients and, ultimately, the organisation itself.


We empower leaders with the tools to release potential. We provide robust frameworks to accelerate informed decision-making and facilitate the vision to inspire collective purpose. Most importantly, we pass on the 'why' behind the 'how', ensuring everyone has the mindset to continuously contribute to a responsive and flexible organisation.


Our work is driven by our Values



We love what we do and are driven by a desire to understand complexity



We are committed to maximise value, even if the messages are difficult to deliver



We never forget you are the expert, our role is simply to help you shine brighter


Few organisations have the visibility and sensitivity (ability to respond) that Trana’s approach inspires - or the competitive edge that comes with it.


Change is constant, as are the opportunities it presents... 

Regardless of the type of change your organisation is experiencing, it is well documented that most (around 75%) of transformation programmes do not realise their original objectives.


Trana work to deliver your vision faster. By rapidly engaging the population with their contribution to the plan, and then providing progression clarity (pace of adoption), we ensure clients unlock the returns from their objectives sooner.


We leave you with a demonstrably more entrepreneurial, resilient and engaged workforce, with an active investment in the realisation of your corporate goals. Just as importantly, we leave you with a robust toolkit that enables you to accelerate meaningful action concerning organisation structure and workforce development, including: board development, promotions, termination, recruitment, succession planning and job design.

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